Become your most vibrant, juicy, healthiest self
A guided program to help you finally feel light, energetic, and amazing in your body and know exactly what your body needs to keep it that way!
For women who want a painless, non-extreme approach to health that actually feels good to follow
✔️ Become your healthiest self
✔️ Cut out all the wellness world “noise”
✔️ Boost your immunity and age well

Join the Waitlist
Learn Your Body only runs once a year. Be the first to know when doors open in 2025!
Imagine waking up in the morning actually feeling rested after a deep sleep.
You pop out of the bed with energy and enthusiasm to get the day going.
You have a great poop first thing in the morning and seamless digestion all day, a clear and calm mind, and a sense of groundedness.
Your period rolls around and you actually look forward to it.
You look in the mirror and like what you see…your skin is glowing!
Maybe you get a glimpse of this feeling from time to time, or maybe you’ve actually never really felt that good.
Your reality might be more like waking up in the morning fatigued after another night of poor sleep, feeling heavy, a bloated belly after eating a “healthy” meal, dragging through your day with brain fog and anxiety, and dreading your horrible periods.
When it comes to figuring out why you feel crappy and how to feel better, the wellness world is overwhelming and confusing.
Every new supplement, adaptogen and magic juice sounds like it could finally be the answer. But you’ve tried so many things already and nothing made much difference.
What the industry doesn’t want you to know is that YOU are your own best healer. You can’t buy your health. You create it with how you eat, how you sleep, your self care, and your thoughts.
But here’s the thing, you don't know how to do that. No one ever taught you how to take care of your body or manage your thoughts.
Introducing Learn Your Body, a live, online program to jumpstart your health, nurture your cute uterus throughout periods and menopause, and keep you feeling juicy and vital for decades to come!
Learn Your Body is a step by step method to learn everything you need to know about taking care of your body and to actually start living it so that you can feel the benefits immediately.
This is not just another trendy wellness fad. It’s never going to be “debunked”, because it’s based on the timeless laws of nature.
And the best part? It actually FEELS GOOD to follow.
Learn Your Body is based on the thousands-of-years-old ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.
Ayurveda empowers you to live in a way that creates health and happiness.
You may have already dug a bit into the doshas and the Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle but have no idea what’s right for you or where to start. I get it, Ayurveda is complex!
In this course, I teach you exactly what you need to do to create true wellbeing and feel amazing in your body. By the time we finish, you’re going to know what your body needs and how to listen to it so that you can cut out all that wellness world noise and feel confident on your path.
I’m going to make it all super clear and guide you, step by step.
And the best part? You can use this wisdom for the rest of your life to protect your health, boost immunity, prevent illness, and age well.
For the first time in my life, my body feels actually strong and like it’s on its way to health.
I am listening to it, having a conversation with it. There’s a dialogue. I am living and eating differently, and because this course happened over a three month span, I was able to watch this process really start to take effect.
LYB Student
I am beyond happy with Learn Your Body.
I learned so much more than I expected and I have seen a huge difference in my mind & body. I have a much better understanding of my body and how to take care of myself and my family. I only wish I knew all this information sooner.
Trisha O’Harro
Say goodbye to…
Waking up feeling sluggish, anxious, and dragging through your day because you can’t get a good night’s sleep
Feeling bloated and heavy every time you eat and restricting yourself with yet another extreme diet that promises to solve all your problems
Feeling disconnected from your body and having no idea what it needs and then falling into the trap of buying expensive supplements that don’t make you feel any better
Worrying about your health and stressed that you’re aging faster than you should be
Dreading your horrible period everything month or struggling through menopause with hormones that are making you feel totally nuts
Wanting to be healthy but feeling like your body is your enemy and working against you

And instead, get ready to…
Wake up feeling light, refreshed, and with pep in your step to take on the day
Love eating and actually feel good afterwards, without restricting yourself from dairy, gluten, or whatever other foods have become “the enemy”
Feel totally confident in knowing that you’re doing all the right things for your body
Feel younger, more glowy, and more vibrant than you ever have before
Have a new morning ritual that gives you a sense of purpose while it makes your skin lustrous, calms your mind, and (bonus!) protects your five senses
Feel connected to your body, know how to listen to it, and know what it needs when it’s feeling off
Have a massive toolbox of go-to practices and home remedies to keep you healthy and help you heal when health issues pop up
Here’s what you’ll be LIVING:
DEEP, REJUVENATING SLEEP: align your inner clock with nature and learn knock-you-out bedtime rituals for truly revitalizing sleep that leaves you with energy and juicy immunity
ROCKIN’ DIGESTION AND THE REVITALIZING DIET: get your digestion firing so that you digest and absorb well, plus a balanced, non-restrictive approach to feeding yourself well
FEEL-GOOD MOVEMENT: a whole new way of looking at exercise that will detox you on the daily and keep you at your healthy weight without feeling like torture
QUICK AND POTENT AYURVEDIC SELF CARE RITUALS: a daily routine (dinacharya) of ancient practices that protect your invaluable sense organs (eyes, ears, mouth, nose and skin) all while creating a deep sense of self love and connection to your body
WOMEN’S HEALTH WISDOM: all the things that every woman should know but no one ever teaches you about caring for your yoni, having PMS-free periods, a smooth menopause transition, and sacred sex
HOME REMEDIES TO THE RESCUE: empowering, simple formulas to combat tummy troubles, sleep problems, yoni issues, and all those common little health woes that pop up from time to time
And here’s how you’re gonna get there:
My approach is soft and feminine to help you embrace change with gentleness rather than rigidity.
We meet every Wednesday evening in a live, online Zoom class from 4-5pm PT / 7-8pm ET. (Can’t join live? You can watch the recordings!)
Each week, I’ll teach you new Ayurvedic practices with all the why’s so that you can feel inspired to implement them.
With my guidance, you’ll layer them into your life in a way that works for your schedule.
You’ll receive group support both in the live online classes and in our private group chat. Ask me all your questions!
By the end of the course, you’ll have created a solid daily routine of Ayurvedic wellness practices that will keep blessing your health for the rest of your life!
Once you join Learn Your Body, these are the kinds of results you're going to get!
Is this you?
Are you tired of feeling crappy and just wish that you had the energy and zest to get through your to-do list and work, let alone spend time with your family or socialize?
Are you feeling like you’re aging too fast, your skin is lacking that youthful glow it used to have, and you’re terrified of where you’re headed?
Do your hormones feel totally off with painful or moody periods and perimenopausal symptoms that are driving you crazy?
Are you frustrated by all the money you’ve wasted on supplements and health fads that didn’t actually make you feel any better?
Is it hard for you to stick to new habits or even figure out where to start when it comes to health?
Do you just want to be healthy so that you can stop worrying about your health all the time?
Learn Your Body is the guidance you need to stop feeling lackluster and lost when it comes to health and to start feeling vibrant and connected to your body, immediately!
After the first 3-4 weeks of class, my body felt the best that it had in a long time.
After feeling completely overwhelmed by diet culture and trying so many (often conflicting) ways of eating and self-care, LYB was a clear, well-paced, gentle and loving way to begin again. I felt nurtured and supported. Everything was presented in a way that was simple and felt do-able. Julie's calm, loving presence comes through in every class. I couldn't wait for each week's session and found myself revisiting notes and support materials frequently during the course. I'm so sad it's over!
Amanda Berger
You’ll experience rich physical and mental shifts when you go through Learn Your Body…

I’m Julie
I’m an Ayurvedic Doctor dedicated to helping you to feel healthy, happy and balanced using the wisdom of Ayurveda. I’ve been living and breathing this science for a decade now and it’s an honor to be able to share it with you. Ayurveda is dear to my heart and even if we haven’t met yet, you are too.
Here’s what you’ll get in LYB
12 weekly group classes, live and online. If you’re unable to join live, you’ll have access to the recordings for six months after the course ends.
Access to the Learn Your Body course platform where you can easily access all the course materials
A private group chat (hosted on Telegram) where you can get to know your classmates, share photos and recipes, ask me questions, and get inspired!
The True Ayurveda eCookbook with over 80 simple, delicious Ayurvedic recipes
The True Ayurveda Home Remedies eBook with DIY medicines for digestive upsets, common illnesses, period problems, yoni issues and more
Weekly PDF guides with a class recap and journaling exercises
Abundant resources including a shopping list with my favorite self care tools to help you on your journey, inspring podcasts, videos, and articles, and at-home yoga videos
A 50% discount on one Online Initial Consultation with me (or one Followup Consultation for existing clients) to address your personal health concerns alongside the course. We’ll customize the practices for your unique situation and I’ll also recommend a specific diet and Ayurvedic herbs to amplify your healing. Space is limited to the first 10 students to book.
Julie is an absolutely wonderful teacher and human being, her energy shines through in every single class and gets me motivated for the day.
I personally have incorporated a lot of the concepts and practices in my day to day life and I feel MUCH better. I highly recommend anyone that wants to take control of their health and understand how to manage their body on a day to day basis to take this course, it is a lifelong investment.
Najla Alfardan
I’ve taken many classes on Ayurveda over the years, yet Julie was able to introduce me to topics in such detail that have never been discussed with other teachers.
Learn Your Body truly is a course for the novice to the advanced student. While some of the material was review, Julie had a fresh and authentic perspective. I highly recommend this class to everyone!
LYB Student
Frequently Asked Questions
If your question wasn’t answered here, please send me an email.
No problem; this is the case for many of the women who join from other parts of the world. The recordings will be uploaded within 24 hours so you can watch them when you have time. You’ll have access to all class recordings for the duration of the course and 6 months thereafter. As for your questions, you can ask them in our group chat and I will be sure to answer.
Yes; you’ll learn so much from this course even if you’re already working with me individually. My clients who do both get the best results and the most healing.
As part of the course, the first 10 students to book an Initial Ayurvedic Consultation online with me will receive a 50% discount and existing clients will receive a 50% discount on one followup (applicable if you started working with me before Learn Your Body). I highly recommended this added one-on-one approach because it allows us to address your specific health concerns in an individualized way: through a customized ayurvedic herbal, diet and lifestyle protocol. I always recommend one or more followup consultations thereafter—we are not masking symptoms or looking for a temporary fix, but rather strengthening your body systems to resist dis-ease now and in the future. You can read more about my online Ayurvedic consultations here.
Women of all ages are welcome to join! The information is universal and while there may be a few things that don’t yet or no longer apply to you (like menopause or menstruation), this is just a small portion of the course and it may be information that will help you later or help the women in your life. My courses attract a wide age range, with women from their young 20’s (and even mature teens) to women in their 60’s. All benefit, and even those who know a lot about health find most of this wisdom to be new and incredibly helpful.
Yes, if only we all learned this wisdom as teens! Teens are welcome with parental consent; please email Julie at hello@trueayurveda.com for the consent form.
Your body is waiting for you. Everyone can find an hour a week no matter how busy their schedule. And I’ve designed this program to meld with your life, not take it over. The 12 week format has worked very well for previous Learn Your Body students.
It would be unfair for me to say yes—I don’t know what you’re experiencing, how long it’s been going on, what the cause is—there are so many factors that weigh in! That being said, you WILL feel better when you do these practices. And YES, there is absolutely a possibility that your problems will be resolved. If your imbalances run deeper, I recommend booking individual Ayurvedic consultations alongside the course.
No, it’s actually a great example of how life works. Sometimes we’re at home in our normal routine, and sometimes we go on vacation or the unexpected occurs and all our self care goes out the window. What you’re learning here is not how to be perfect, but how to be flexible and adaptable in all of life’s imperfect situations.
Definitely! Many of my students repeat the course because they get something new out of it every time. As an alumni you get a 50% discount; email me at hello@trueayurveda.com for the discount code.
Most of what I teach is general food and lifestyle wisdom that is helpful in all phases of life. Some of it is not applicable in pregnancy, but you can learn the wisdom and save it to apply for your post pregnancy days.
Most of what we practice in the course is totally free. That said, there are a few self care items I recommend during the course that are very helpful, inexpensive, and easy to find (at health food stores or online). I’ll send you a list of what to purchase before the course starts.
As you'll be give instant access to the course and its materials, there are no refunds once purchased.
Yes, a limited number of reduced rate scholarships are available for those with true financial need. To apply, email me at hello@trueayurveda.com.

Join the Waitlist
Learn Your Body only runs once a year. Be the first to know when doors open in 2025!
If you didn’t have to restrict your food because your stomach hurts every time you eat? If you didn’t have to say no to social events or even taking on extra work that you need because you’re too tired to get through the day as it is? And how much mental space would free up if you weren’t always worried about your health?
If you’ve read through everything I’ve written on this page, you know that something in your approach to wellness is missing.
Before I found Ayurveda, I felt the same way. I was getting my period twice a month, I had horrendous digestion with extreme bloat and diarrhea for two years, and my once flawless skin had become acne ridden. I tried what I knew at the time…going to the doctor. The solutions they gave me (birth control and “sorry we’re not sure what’s wrong with you”) didn’t work for me and I was SO frustrated with their lack of compassion and awareness of the interconnectedness of my symptoms.
Ayurveda was truly a savior for me. Unbeknownst to me, I had created these health issues on my own with my erratic way of living and some deep-seated fear, and Ayurveda brought that to light. But it took me years to get my diet and lifestyle straight because I didn’t have someone guiding me along the way. It’s HARD to make change!
And that’s why I created Learn Your Body. I’ve squeezed all the juice of Ayurvedic self care practices into this one complete program and I’m going to hold your hand every step of the way in implementing them so that it doesn’t take you years to make changes like it did for me. Because you know what? Your diet and lifestyle are your best medicines.